I’ ve been doing Business Analyst work for a long time now, and along the way you learn some useful pointers. One of the best sources of references I ever came across is when I was with Accenture. My team lead Fiona Carrim introduced us to the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) and in particular their publication of the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK).
This comprehensive document covers most areas needed for an analyst and it a very handy resource.
To view a copy of the BABOK click here.
If you think this is something you keen on I recommend you buy the book at http://www.iiba.org/babok-guide.aspx and join the IIBA.
Note: There are some things in the BABOK that I feel could be addressed better however it’s still a great piece of work.
Credits to: https://mis.uhcl.edu/rob/Course/DW/Lectures/BABOK%202.0.pdf
Some super interesting infographics on logo and web design for the UX guys.
Happy designing …