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    There are two types of people: successful people and unsuccessful people. There are distinct actions people who are successful take that probably keep their counterparts from achieving.

    Successful people often do not hold grudges and they do not allow themselves to get distracted by short term enjoyment. An unsuccessful person will spend a lot of time doing things that are extremely unproductive like going out more than they should or binge watching a TV show. Successful people keep their minds stimulated through engaging in new topics and ideas.

    Successful people realize that they are only successful because of the network, big or small, that they have created a long the way. Some unsuccessful people rarely pay respect to those who helped them during their life. Successful people often know how to persevere and strive for more while unsuccessful people do not set goals and they do not keep organized  like they claim to.

    Successful people build up the world around them. They compliment and encourage others. Those that don’t seldom have much to show; they can often criticize and portray themselves in negatives away.

    While these two types of people lead their lives in two greatly different ways, they do have something in common; they try. Being successful or unsuccessful does not define you. As long as you keep going in whatever you do, you’ll achieve more than you could have the day before.

    Go on – Be Successful!



    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Careers, Management

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    Infographic Anatomy of a Tech Startup Team

    Happy Leading



    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Management

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    An interesting infographic about different employee traits and management.

    Happy managing




    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Management

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    The bucket theory

    Now I know there are many takes on this theory and I’m no expert but this is my analysis or view on the bucket. We are all buckets (metaphorically speaking) that is. As with a bucket we all have our limits. As we pour water into the bucket it gets fuller and fuller until it over flows.


    One of my biggest weaknesses is saying NO and this is one of my biggest challenges in life. As we take on more and more e.g. In terms of work our buckets take on more and more water, until eventually the bucket overflows. This can cause people to be burned out, stressed out and even cause some people to implode. So what can we do to ensure we don’t reach that point of overflow. These are some of my thoughts:

    1) Know your limits Know yourself what you can and can’t do. This is very challenging as like me many people like to test their limits, push themselves to the edge or beat a personal record. Know what you capable of doing and do what you do best.

    2) Keep inspired and motivated Like water can evaporate, find ways to keep the water in your bucket evaporating, by keeping inspired and motivated. Find your fuel, what drives you and use that to keep going. Be it family or video games find something that drives you.

    3) Management This might be a rather strange one but I feel managers, rather leaders (check this out) should know their employees limits, bucket fills and manage accordingly.

    4) Company benefits Another way to reduce a bucket load is to makes some holes in the bucket. Sounds strange but a company can do many things to reduce the water in a bucket. Think about it benefits, incentives, development, team building are all ways that can effectively release water from the bucket.

    5) CSI Community Service Initiatives Giving back something to the community is always rewarding. Do something as a person, couple, family or company. Helping others will surely help yourself. It can be simple like playing with orphans or reading to the blind but these small actions can reduce your bucket load.

    6) Forgive An easy way to empty your bucket is to forgive and try to forget the issue. Keeping incidents and bad memories ties you down and takes up unnecessary space in your bucket. Move on ..

    7) Share Don’t be shy to ask for help when you need it. If you’re drowning and your bucket is over flowing STOP and realise and accept that you may need help. Ask an expert, mentor or sometimes it even just helps to speak to a colleague about things in the bucket.

    8) Help If you notice someone’s bucket is filling up ask if you can help. Sometimes people are shy or just too ashamed to ask for help. Offer, assist and help people without expecting anything in return. Note. If your bucket is already full be careful with helping others as your bucket may overflow. Know your limits and capacity.

    9) Empty the bucket And if all else fails, the last resort is to empty the bucket. This is also sometimes a wise option. The only way to move on is to leave a job, position or company.

    All the best and stay positive.


    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Management

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    Management has always fascinated me – and of recent I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. Though my research I came across some of the interesting graphics below.



    leadership1 Manager-vs-Leader-e1363072468241 original-796529-1

    Let me know your thoughts.

    Credits to the owners.

    Happy Managing.


    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Development, Management, Open Source

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    We all love free stuff … for an HR System check out

    They offer a totally free online (web based) HR system. It’s very comprehensive including modules like:

    Very impressive for a free solution.


    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Development, Management

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    A wonderful useful mind map …

    1 item(s)

    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Development, Management

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    I love reading management and leadership books – however I don’t have the time sometimes to read hundreds of pages – in comes getAbstract ..

    Click  here to view my collection – If you like the getAbstract compressed knowledge idea please sign-up at


    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Management

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    I always maintain, even at the time of leaving a job/company, try and be professional and keep a good relationship. We all want to write that professional resignation letter, as usually that’s the last note your company will remember you by.

    Check out these samples here

    Credits to

    All the best and keep your head up – sometimes when one door closes another one opens.