AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Windows

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    Read receipts are an interesting feature in mail programs, but it is a feature that is not standardized. Many popular email clients block them, and a lot of the email programs that exist for Mac OS X don’t include them at all, or are complicated to implement. But they do have their uses, so some people still choose to include them with messages that they send from their computer. However, that does not mean that you need to comply with their request. A read receipt is just that – a request from the sender to notify them when you have opened their message. If you are becoming annoyed with receiving these read receipts in Outlook 2013 and no longer want to send read receipts or even be notified that they have been requested, you can turn off read receipts in Outlook 2013.


    How to Disable Outlook 2013 Read Receipts

    Whatever your feelings about read receipts might be, there are still people that will insist on using them. There are certain fields and individuals where a read receipt can actually be important and useful, but many people that use them are simply trying to find out that you have opened an email that they sent to you, and it is no more important than a billion other emails that are sent every day without read receipts. So continue reading below to learn the necessary steps for stopping read receipt requests in Outlook 2013.


    Step 1: Launch Outlook 2013.


    Step 2: Click the File tab at the top-left corner of the window.

    click the file tab



    Step 3: Click Options in the column at the left side of the window. This is going to open a separateOutlook Options window.

    click options to open the outlook options window



    Step 4: Click the Mail option in the column at the left side of the Outlook Options window.

    click mail in the left column



    Step 5: Scroll down to the tracking section, then click the option to the left of Never send a read receipt.

    how to turn off read receipts in outlook 2013



    Step 6: Click the OK button to close the window and save your changes.


    Happy Outlooking



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    So you want to quickly send that email and you too lazy to click on the send button in Outlook for Mac 2011.

    Like me who doesn’t want to remove my hands from the keyboard and just wants to click send via a keyboard shortcut. Coming from Windows where Alt + S does that made me wonder – what’s the Mac equivalent so to quickly send that mail press Command and Enter (COMMAND + RETURN) .

    For a full list of shortcuts please review the reference below – my favourite list is:

    Create a new message COMMAND + N
    Send the open message COMMAND + RETURN
    Save an item COMMAND + S
    Print an item COMMAND + P
    Undo the last action COMMAND + Z
    Redo the last action COMMAND + Y
    Hide Outlook COMMAND + H
    Quit Outlook COMMAND + Q



    AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: PC, Saudi Arabia

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    Working in Saudi, we need to adapt to using the Saudi keyboard and numerals. When installing MS Office 2010 by default (after installing the Arabic Keyboard in Windows) – Arabic text is displayed correctly, however Arabic numerals are typed in the base language i.e. English. To fix …

    In Word 2010:

    – Go to File > Options > Advanced.

    – Scroll down to the Show document content section – you will find the Numeral option. Set it to Context.


    – and you done …

    Happy typing …