A user’s full name can be changed by that user or an administrator. The full name doesn’t need to be the same as the account name (short name) or home folder name.
Credits: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201548
Sometimes you just need to edit the cursed .htaccess file and on the Mac by default the file is “hidden” – here’s how to show all.
To show all hidden files and folders, in Terminal in OS X 10.9 Mavericks:
[wc_code]defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true ; killall Finder[/wc_code]
Getting back to cleanliness:
[wc_code]defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean false ; killall Finder[/wc_code]
To show all hidden files and folders, in Terminal for earlier versions of OS X 10.8 and prior:
[wc_code]defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE ; killall Finder[/wc_code]
Getting back to cleanliness:
[wc_code]defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE ; killall Finder[/wc_code]
Or if you lazy and would like an app (there’s always an app) – download this (FinderRevealer.zip (app))
How to Print Screen to a File on the Desktop in Mac OS X
The basic functionality of taking a screen shot of a window or desktop in Mac OS X takes an complete image capture of the desktop and all open windows and running apps and dumps it to a unique file on the Mac desktop. Each keyboard shortcut will use the pressing of the Command and Shift keys concurrently as the basis for execution, followed by a number or another key:
Because this approach effectively ‘prints’ the screen to the desktop as a unique file containing the screen capture, it removes the unnecessary step of having to paste the screen shot into another application and then save it manually. If you’d rather not save the file to the desktop though, you can have it copied to the clipboard instead, which can then be pasted elsewhere just like what happens in the Windows world.
How to Print Screen to the Clipboard on a Mac
Saving the capture directly to the clipboard functions a lot more like the Print Screen feature in the Windows world. If you want to do the Mac equivalent of Print Screen, storing the image in the clipboard so that you can paste it into another app or document, these are the commands you’d want to use instead: