So preparing for that big TOEFL exam?
Check out my collection of resources over the years here
Good luck and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
All the best.
Your biggest fan … me
So I’m back in the South African job market and that means lots of people in the interviews asking “How much are you looking at?” or “What’s your CTC (Cost to Company)?” After extensive research I found Career Junction did an excellent summary – Review
Also check out their salary scales here or for IT here.
I also cross reference with – for IT Business Analyst check out this
So that’s the market average value, go out and make it worth it …
All the best …
I’ ve been doing Business Analyst work for a long time now, and along the way you learn some useful pointers. One of the best sources of references I ever came across is when I was with Accenture. My team lead Fiona Carrim introduced us to the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) and in particular their publication of the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK).
This comprehensive document covers most areas needed for an analyst and it a very handy resource.
To view a copy of the BABOK click here.
If you think this is something you keen on I recommend you buy the book at and join the IIBA.
Note: There are some things in the BABOK that I feel could be addressed better however it’s still a great piece of work.
Credits to:
A wonderful collection of remedies from the Holy Quran and other authentic sources.
Check out Remedies from the Quran
I always maintain, even at the time of leaving a job/company, try and be professional and keep a good relationship. We all want to write that professional resignation letter, as usually that’s the last note your company will remember you by.
Check out these samples here
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All the best and keep your head up – sometimes when one door closes another one opens.